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About Us

NYACTE is the New York Association of Colleges for Teacher Education. We are a professional association representing New York State institutions of higher education who prepare teachers and other professional educators. We are also the state-level affiliate of the national professional association AACTE, the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education.


The vision, mission, and strategic priorities of NYACTE align with those of the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education as they apply in and for the State of New York, and are as follows.



NYACTE, its members, and partners collaborate to revolutionize education for all learners.



NYACTE seeks to elevate education and educator preparation through research, professional practice, advocacy, and collaboration.


Strategic Priorities

  • Advocating for High-Quality Educator Preparation
    AACTE and its members advocate for policies that are dedicated to building and sustaining high quality preparation of teachers and other education professionals that ensure our graduates are profession-ready.

  • Promoting Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
    AACTE and its members value the diversity of students, their families, and educators; equity in access to high quality instructional environments; and the inclusion of all students, defined as access and opportunity, in PK-20 classrooms.

  • Advancing Educator Preparation Policy, Practice, and Research
    Through cutting edge research, innovative practice, and advocacy, AACTE and its members advance the field of educator preparation.

Further, NYACTE shall provide a vehicle for educator preparation programs within New York State to assist in:

  1. Developing and defining positions on issues of importance to educator preparation in New York State.

  2. Maintaining lines of communication with our partners at the New York State Education Department (NYSED) through our Teacher Education Advisory Group (TEAG) to enable the voices of educator preparation program to be considered in the crafting policy at the state level. 

  3. Disseminating information related to both national and state policy and activity related to educator preparation and providing advocacy for positions that align with the needs of our members.

NYACTE Board Members





Jacob Easley II, Ph.D.  

Assistant Dean, Graduate School of Education

Fordham University  


Vice President/President Elect 

Rene Parmar, Ph.D. 

Dean, School of Education 

SUNY New Paltz


Immediate Past President 

Andrea Lachance, Ph.D.  

Dean, School of Education  

SUNY Cortland  



Patrick Ianniello, Ph.D. 

Director, Master of Science in Education Program  

Associate Professor, Education 

Metropolitan College of New York  



Barbara A. Burns, Ph.D.  
Professor, Teacher Education Department  

Director, Differentiated Instruction 

Canisius College 


Excelsior Journal Co-Editors 

Joelle Fingerhut, Ph.D.  

Assistant Professor of Education

Marist College  


Quinn Austermann, Ph.D.  

Professional Lecturer of Education

Marist College


Stephanie Purington, Ph.D.  

Professional Lecturer of Education

Marist College


Board Members 


Nichole J. Brown, Ph.D.  

Director, Field Placement Office  

Director, Teacher Opportunity Corps (TOC II) Program  

School of Education  

State University of New York at Oswego  


Christina Wright Fields, Ph.D .

Associate Professor, Education  

Marist College  


Virginia J. Goatley, Ph.D.  

Dean, School of Education 

Professor, Literacy  

University at Albany - SUNY  


Michael P. Hogan, Ph.D.  

Associate Dean, College of Education, Information and Technology 

Director, Clinical Education and Professional Certifications  

Long Island University - Post   


Anne M. Mungai, Ph.D.  

Associate Provost for Strategic Initiatives and Graduate Studies  

Professor, Special Education  
Adelphi University  


Kathy Wood, Ph.D.  

Director, Urban Teacher Center and Teacher Diversity  

Associate Professor, Elementary Education and Reading  

SUNY Buffalo State  

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