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NYACTE Announces New Editorship of the Journal
Excelsior: Leadership in Teaching and Learning


February 12, 2024




The New York Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (NYACTE) announces new editorship for the journal Excelsior: Leadership in Teaching and Learning. The new editorial team is comprised of faculty from New York’s Marist College: Drs. Joelle Fingerhut, Jesslyn Hollar, and Stephanie Purington. The three-year appointment began February 1, 2024 following a state-wide application process. Congratulations to Marist College and the new editors! The board also recognizes the fine work of outgoing, co-editors Drs. Christine Elaine Ashby and Julia Maxine White who have curated each volume of Excelsior since 2018. The new editorship reflects a collaboration between Marist and Syracuse University, whose library will continue to host the journal online.


“Excelsior is a professional resource with broad reach. The journal is a state gem for research and the dissemination of best-practices and lessons learned for the advancement of high-quality educator preparation,” states Jacob Easley II, president of NYACTE. Launched in 2006, Excelsior: Leadership in Teaching and Learning is a peer-reviewed journal provided by the professional association NYACTE. Excelsior is a fully online, open-access journal. The Journal welcomes original, thought-provoking manuscripts of various formats, including papers presenting research on issues and practices important to teacher education that contribute to the preparation and professional development of educators. Two issues are published annually.


The new editors will continue to expand the journal’s reach and professional engagement. In doing so, one strategic direction is to grow membership of the manuscript review panel. The new editors encourage both established and junior faculty to consider joining them as reviewers, with a special invitation to graduate students, particularly those participating in the AACTE Holmes Scholars program across New York’s colleges and universities. "The Marist College Teacher Education Department is honored to have been awarded the opportunity to lead the editorship of the prestigious Excelsior: Leadership in Teaching and Learning Journal. The team of editors is looking forward to working with the NYACTE board and the Teacher Education community to continue promoting the scholarship of the region," adds assistant dean Olga DeJesus-Diaz.


More information on Excelsior: Leadership in Teaching and Learning may be found online at


NYACTE is a professional association representing New York State institutions of higher education who prepare teachers and other professional educators. We are also the state-level affiliate of the national professional association AACTE, the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education.

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