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The Charles C. Mackey, Jr. Excellence in Service Leadership Award honors an educator in New York State who has demonstrated personal and professional qualities that exemplify the highest standards of service leadership in teacher education.


The annual award, initiated in October 2002, is named in honor of Dr. Charles C. Mackey, Jr., Executive Coordinator of the Office of Teaching Initiatives in the New York State Department of Education. Dr. Mackey's tireless efforts on behalf of teacher educators and teacher practice have made lasting positive changes in education in New York State, the North-east Region and nationally. He was a science teacher in Rhode Island from 1957 to 1966, The Division Chief for Teacher Education in Rhode Island Department of Education from 1963 to 1966. He moved to New York State in 1966 and since then has been the head of teacher education initiatives in the Department of Education's Division of Teacher Education and Certification. During his career he also served in numerous leadership roles in NASDTEC and other interstate and national teacher education organizations.



An excellent servant leader is one who through personal knowledge, wisdom, ethical practice, and courage models effective practice and thus enables others to reach individual, institutional, and communal goals. In the four decades of his extraordinary career, Dr. Mackey has demonstrated exemplary service and leadership as a mentor and advisor to hundreds of teacher educators. Respectful, collegial, knowledgeable, insightful, encouraging, honest, and articulate: these are some of the admirable qualities that describe his interactions with and commitment to colleagues and their teacher education initiatives.



The Charles C. Mackey, Jr. Excellence in Service Leadership Award recognizes an individual who represents Teacher Education in his/her respective institution of higher education in New York State. The individual exemplifies service leadership within his/her institutional setting and within the broader New York professional community through engagement, initia-tive and personal qualities that reflect relevant High Standards for Teacher Education Accountability as defined by the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education:

  1. Serve first and foremost as an advocate for P-12 students, especially for promoting the growth and development of all students;

  2. Promote diversity in teacher education faculty, candidates, curriculum, and programs;

  3. Be accountable to prospective teachers for their preparation to meet state licensure expectations (including knowledge of subject matter and of the students to whom those subjects are taught);

  4. Be informed by the best practice and most current research on teaching and learning theory and practice, including the commitment to active scholarship by teacher education faculty;

  5. Operate in collaboration with professional agencies responsible for quality assurance in the teaching profession.

Nominees and/or recipients of this award need not be a member of or affiliated with NYACTE. However, there should be a visible connection between the individual's goals and achievements and the mission of NYACTE - essentially to search continuously for and to promote ideas and practices that are most effective in the education of teachers in New York State.

The award is has been deferred for 2022, with a call for nominations expected to be made in spring of 2023.


Mackey Awards Past Recipients

2021:  Sister Nancy Gilchriest, SSND, Ed.D., Associate Professor of Education, St. Joseph’s College

2020:  Virginia Goatley, Professor and Chair of Literacy Teaching and Learning, SUNY Albany

2019: Christine Givner, Founding Dean of the College of Education, SUNY Fredonia

2018: Kathleen Hinchman, Professor of Language Arts, Syracuse University

2016: Maritza Macdonald, Senior Director of Education and Policy at the American Museum of Natural History

2015: Deborah Shanley, Dean of the School of Education, Brooklyn College

2012: Debra Colley, Dean of the College of Education, Niagara University

2010:  Madeline Berry, Professor, Department of Education, State University of New York College at Oneonta

2009:  Sister Miriam Honora Corr, CSJ, Ed.D. Chairperson, Department of Child Study, St. Joseph’s College

 2008: Joseph P. Frey, Associate Commissioner for Higher Education, New York State Department of Education

2007: Suzanne Miller, Associate Professor of Education, State University of New York College at Oneonta

2006: Jan McDonald, Dean, School of Education, Pace University, President NYACTE (2002-2003)

2005:  Linda Beimer, Dean and Professor of Education, Binghamton University, NYACTE President (1993-94)

2004: Doris T. Garner, New York State Education Department, Office of Higher Education

2003: James Shuman, Associate Professor and Chair of the Education Department at St. Lawrence University

2002:  Charles C. Mackey, Jr., New York State Department of Education, Office of Higher Education

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