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NYSATE/NYACTE 2024 Pre-Conference Presentations

November 6, 2024

To access copies of slides from pre-conference presentations, please click links below.

The full conference program can be accessed here.


Certification Updates from NYSED’s Office of Teaching Initiatives (OTI)

Jen Pendleton, the Director of Teacher Certification, provided insights into OTI’s processing of college recommendations and discussed certificate progression, CTE, and more. This session focused on the applicant and the application process. 

New Certification Officer Boot Camp with Jen Pendleton, Director of Teacher Certification, Office of Teaching Initiatives (OTI), NYSED

Updates on Collaboration with  In this session, Evalyn Gleason, Senior Program Manager  and Annette Konoske-Graf, Senior Director of Regional Initiatives and Programs, provided examples of how has supported EPPs in other regions along with samples of compelling recruitment messages.  Participants also got a preview of the EPP referral toolkit created to address questions and a summary of TeachNY’s progress to date.

New York State Action Plan: The Path Forward Literacy Instruction Initiative

In Fall 2023, New York State was chosen to participate in the third cohort of the Hunt Institute’s The Path Forward initiative. The goal of the initiative is to improve literacy instruction in schools by supporting and integrating the science of reading into teacher preparation programs and certification requirements. Throughout the past year, with support from the New York State Education Department and the Hunt Institute, Literacy Academy Collective has been regularly convening the NYS Path Forward Leadership Committee, Steering Committee, and three working groups to develop an action plan. Panelists Ruth Genn, Executive Director of the Literacy Academy Collective, Laura Glass, Chief of Staff, NYSED Office of Education Policy, and Alex Trikalinos, Assistant Commissioner, NYSED's Office of Teacher and Leader Development, described the initiatives outlined in the New York State Action Plan: The Path Forward and the work to implement them. 

Special Event:  A Convening of P-12 and Higher Education Partners PPT

Policy Matters Document

Join colleagues from P-12 schools from around the state to explore ways to:  prepare emerging educators through high quality field experiences, support new teachers during the induction phase of their careers, and empower experienced teachers across their professional journeys.  Session included small group discussions with participants from across the P-20 continuum. Facilitated by: Steve Graser, Director, Professional Development and Instructional Technology, Erie 1 BOCES, Christine Dawson, Past President NYSATE and Andrea Lachance, Past President, NYACTE.


CAEP 360: Everything Everywhere All at Once

Malina Monaco, Senior Vice President for Accreditation, Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation, provided an overview of key findings from the last 100 CAEP visits, logistics of visits moving forward, and EPP evidence provided to meet standards.  Discussion of state policy changes and national trends on clinical practice took place as well.


What Should We Expect? Previewing the 2025 AAQEP Standards

For the past two years, AAQEP’s Quality Expectations Committee has been working to gather feedback and input on the association’s original standards. This session provided a brief overview of the standards renewal process, summarized public feedback received, and discussed the final draft to be presented to AAQEP’s board of directors in December.  Presented by Mark LaCelle-Peterson, AAQEP President and Chief Executive Office and Christine DeGregory, AAQEP Director of Professional Learning.


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